Roae Remarks on State Vehicles For Legislators
Mar. 17, 2021 / Embed
Representative Brad Roae comments on HB 746, a bill he is introducing that would ban legislators from obtaining state cars.
PA House Commerce Committee Hearing on Minimum Wage
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
Public hearing regarding the impact a minimum wage increase will have on Commerce.
Minimum Wage Hike - What Impact Would It Have in PA
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
State Representative Brad Roae asks opening questions while leading a House Commerce Committee meeting examining the impact a minimum wage hike would have on Pennsylvania's economy.
Impact of Minimum Wage Hike on PA's Economy
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
State Representative Brad Roae asks opening questions while leading a House Commerce Committee meeting examining the impact a minimum wage hike would have on Pennsylvania's economy.
Roae Questions on Minimum Wage Hike
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
While leading a House Commerce Committee hearing, State Representative Brad Roae questions Matthew Knittel on the impact of a minimum wage hike in Pennsylvania.
Impact of Minimum Wage Hike on PA's Economy
Mar. 11, 2021 / Embed
During a House Commerce Committee hearing, State Representative Brad Roae speaks of the impacts that a dramatic minimum wage increase would have upon Pennsylvania commerce.
Roae Comments During DCED Budget Hearing
Feb. 22, 2021 / Embed
Representative Brad Roae questions Secretary of the Department of Community and Economic Development, Dennis Davin at a recent Appropriations Budget hearing.
Roae Responds to Governor Wolf's Budget Address
Feb. 03, 2021 / Embed
State Representative Brad Roae reacts to Governor Wolf's budget address that proposes a massive personal income tax on Pennsylvania’s working middle class citizens and small businesses.
House Commerce Committee Meeting
Feb. 03, 2021 / Embed
Public hearing to receive testimony from the Taverns/Clubs/VFW's regarding the impact Covid-19 and to how the Legislature can help them recover from their devastating losses.
House Commerce Committee Meeting
Jan. 27, 2021 / Embed
Public hearing on The current struggles of the restaurant industry.